14 May 2006


I've sadly had to reach the realisation that the Midget has to go. I can't afford to keep it - not only am I insuring it, paying running costs, and renting a garage from the council at over £40 a month, but the money I could get from selling it would pay off my credit card and get me nicely set up for starting the business. Perhaps in a couple of years I can replace it; perhaps even with something nicer. But as it is I have a month to prepare it for the MOT and then it's going up for sale.

It's such a sad thing to have to do. I'm so utterly in love with that car. But the situation's just wrong. As it is, I have to think about moving anyway, possibly even back to live with my dad. Realism sucks.

Still, I need to look for the positives in this. It'll put me in a far better financial situation; the business can really take off; I wouldn't have time to look after it anyway; and I've had a couple of incredible years driving it and playing with greasy things. In another couple of years, as I said, I'll probably be in a position to replace it - with something nicer.

Maybe I'll start putting my mechanical energies into the Metro. Maybe it's time to mod it up. Lower it, flames over the wheel arches, tune the engine up, that kind of thing... ha ha ha.

Mod it hard!

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