Always at work...
Today I decided to have a change of scenery and do some work in Cambridge. There's a lovely cafe called Ta Bouche, which does good food, plays decent music, and has free wireless. I think I've plugged them mercilessly before. Anyway, it's a great place to go to get out of the house and approach a subject fresh if I need to.
While I was working, a girl sat at the table next to me and I overheard her talking about the business she's starting up... "great", thought I, "an opportunity to make a contact, maybe get some work, and spread my opinions far and wide". Details were exchanged (well, given, by me) and I felt very stupid for not having any business cards with me.
And then I got home and looked in the mirror and felt even more stupid. My god, I look a state - unshaven, in desperate need of a haircut, and not exactly dressed like a professional. It's a much needed reminder that I should always be thinking of the next client - and that I might bump into them anywhere. Something new for the to-do list: get a haircut.
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